Today I am celebrating Mother's Day for the first time as a mother of three. This is possible because of many answered prayers. And because of the selflessness of a birthmother in Xi'an, China.
I don't know your story, except that you chose to carry your baby to term. You gave your baby life despite the availability of abortion in the many women's "health clinics" and hospitals in Xi'an. You cared for him for several months - perhaps until you could no longer afford to - and then left him where you knew he would be found by people who would provide for him. How difficult this decision must have been for you.
I'll never know the pain you felt. But I thank God for the love that compelled you.
Today I thank you for giving my son life. We honor you and the sacrifices you made for him. I promise that he will know you loved him. And I promise that we will always honor you in our home.