Sunday, February 26, 2012

At the Park

We are enjoying unseasonably warm temperatures this winter in Arkansas, so we spent a beautiful Saturday afternoon at one of our favorite family spots - Pinnacle Mtn. State Park.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The newest Hall's name is rich with meaning. It is the middle name of Mike's grandfather and of one of my great uncles. It is also the name of a well-known doubter - a follower and friend of Christ who doubted his Savior's resurrection.

At times during this long journey, I have doubted. I have questioned my sanity. I have asked God if I heard Him correctly. I have asked many times for a sign to confirm His leading. Our ever-patient Father has borne with me. He has not lost patience with me, though I have surely given Him ample opportunity. He has put my fingers in the holes of His hands and side and told me to "stop doubting and believe."

That response is one I expect to hear often in the days ahead. Mike and I are traveling to China with an excitement and fear much like the ones we felt when we drove to the hospital 10 1/2 years ago for Fletcher's birth. We had read the books, we had attended the classes, and we were giddy with anticipation. We were also scared out of our minds at the thought that a helpless human being would be totally dependent on a couple of nitwits like us. Are they really going to let us leave the hospital with him? Will we have any idea what we are doing??

Are they really going to let us bring this much prayed-for little boy halfway across the world to join our family? Will we have any idea what we are doing??

Yes, God's patience will be required here.