Monday, April 30, 2012

Strawberry Fields Forever

Here at the Hall Academy for Classical Studies, we like to keep it real...and fresh. Last Friday, we studied sharp-shooting and horticulture. We concluded that guns are fun. You can water trees with them.
Safety first - shoot things, not people. Especially Mom.

Shooting for distance

No tree is safe.

We practiced our lessons over the weekend with the brothers.
Scouting a target

Even in April, shirts don't last long.


Hey, Everett - check this out!

The tub had to be cleaned after this bath.

Today, we took a field trip to a farm in Cabot. Strawberries are in season, and we checked out the plants before making our big purchase. We met Farmer Odam - a very nice man who invited us back to check out the peaches in about a month. We're planning to return with the brothers to show them firsthand evidence that fruits and vegetables don't grow at Kroger.
Cute E. Pie

Tomato plant just beginning to grow

Home of the sweetest strawberries in Arkansas

Dude, you seem like a nice guy, but I just met you. I'm not eating out of your hand.

I can't find any tomatoes!


Keeping the plants well hydrated

This crazy wooden bird won't open its mouth.

Strawberry bounty

Worked up a sweat


A game of farm animal dominos seemed like a good way to wrap up today's studies.
"Moo" says the cow.

Well done, T-man!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Week in Pictures

We celebrated a birthday (Everett's 5th), enjoyed a visit from Aunt Martha (from MS) and cousin Scott (from TX), and kicked off the Spring sports season. Thomas seemed to enjoy all of it.....tomorrow (18th) is Gotcha Day + 1 month and it feels like he's always been a Hall. He continues to amaze us with his sweet, funny personality and his ability to learn new things so quickly. Thank you, God for this wonderful gift!

Go Tigers!!

Ready position

Cousin Scott called a great game - he's a Div. 1 college umpire.

Pop fly!

Cool kid rocking his new glasses

We have another Daddy's boy in the Hall house.

Ice cream brings out the silly in the littles.

Birthday doughnut!!

Big 5

Uncle Clark & Aunt Ginny love to spoil all of the Hall boys.

Couldn't wait to start building the Lego firetruck from Clark & Ginny!

With a little help from Daddy


New Cardinal gear from Uncle David & Aunt Kelly - they know what the Littlest Hall loves!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Firsts

Thomas has experienced a couple of big "firsts" that are definitely blog-worthy.

On Sunday, he celebrated his first Easter. We skipped the egg hunt and kept the Easter basket thing low-key...for a couple of reasons. Primarily, we were trying to avoid sensory-overload. I took him to Everett's Easter egg hunt at school on Thursday, and the frenzy of two dozen crazed pre-schoolers clamoring for hidden treats was a little more than he could handle. We also decided we're not going to play up the Easter Bunny part of the holiday too much....and then have to tell him in a couple of years, "You know that bunny thing we got all excited about? Yeah, it's not real." Please note: We are not making a value judgement on celebrating Easter with the bunny...we just want to focus on the real and unchanging significance of Easter. Expect a similar stance at Christmas vis a vis the Claus Man.

Thomas also attended his first full church service. We made an attempt on Palm Sunday, but all of the new people and their excitement to meet him prompted a quick exit to avoid a meltdown. So...I was very proud of him for making it through the entire Easter service, including Communion, which I'm sure he thought was a little strange.

Wondering if I'll ever get a picture with all of them smiling and looking at me

Vintage Everett

Like any good mother would do, I took my children to the dentist the day after Easter. Don't you do that every year? Actually, I wasn't even thinking about the date when I scheduled the appointment 6 months ago. As a bonus, Mike was available to go with us. When you're on call on Easter Sunday, your reward is taking your three sons to the dentist the following day. I'm sure that's how he viewed it.

Fletcher was first up and modeled "appropriate dental visit behavior" for his new brother. Props to our amazing dentist, Dr. Ederle, big brother, and a very curious six year old from a distant land...because he was a CHAMP. He even allowed them to do x-rays. I'm sure he was thinking, "As long as you keep the needles away, we're good here." 

Like a pro

High five from Dr. Ederle

As a reward for his great performance at the dentist, we went to Pei Wei for lunch. I love how he looks at a picture to tell me exactly what he wants - so middle man ate his fill of chicken, tofu, and rice. With a fork.

Kid knows what he likes

Oh, I love this boy!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

First Week Home

I know I have been a bad blogger....sorry. If I said I had been in a doctor's office six of the last seven days, would that score me a pass? My sweet middle boy has made the rounds, and I'm sure he thinks that a day in the life in America means waiting rooms, stethoscopes, and needles. He has been such a champ through it all...and by the end of the week, we really put his pain tolerance to the test.  
Fortunately, according to the pediatric opthamologist, Thomas's glaucoma is manageable. He's on daily eyedrops, and he'll soon be wearing glasses - to protect his left eye as much as to improve his vision in it.

Preliminary blood test results look good, too...a huge relief for this mama who has NO desire to put her baby through the torture of blood draws again anytime soon. After the anguish of four needle sticks, I almost don't mind the poop collecting that's in my near future.

We shifted into fun mode today with a trip to the zoo. Thomas LOVED it. The train was a hit...the alligators, not so much. I'm with ya, pal.  
Enjoy the pictures below, and judge for yourselves which of my children has 2% body fat and is a little cold-natured and which one is a bruiser who would run you over if you stood between him and a cheeseburger.